our Team

All members of our team are the true backbone of a specialized services company like EyeMagnett. Each of the members have unique strengths over and above their technology skills area. We encourage learning and there are many freshers who have joined us and significantly benefited from the kind of mentorship given to them to sharpen their skills.

The experience profile ranges from employees who possess just at few months' experience to those who have a track-record of over 20 years. Such diversity in experience and backgrounds need us to forge certain work related values and mutual understanding that helps us with our teamwork.

All such values act like small streams and when joined together forms the mighty river which is defined as our "company culture" . This culture runs through the entire organization. Key points are as below:

  1. Focus on Teamwork
  2. Mentor Juniors
  3. Timely completion of work
  4. Timely reporting of status
  5. Good Customer Experience
  6. Design Thinking
  7. High Quality
  8. High Performance

We have personnel for well-rounded technical, services, infrastructure and domain skills. Our primary skill areas are as below:

  1. Technology Skills
    - MEAN Stack
    - LAMP Stack
    - Java /J2EE
  2. Services Skills
    - Business Analysis
    - Detailed Design (Design Thinking)
    - Project Management
    - Testing & Deployment (DevOps)
  3. Infrastructure Skills
    - Multiple Cloud platforms
    - SaaS/PaaS platforms
    - On-Prem Data Center
    - System & Network Administration
    - Information Security
  4. Domain Skills
    - Education and Academics
    - Financial Services
    - General Services
    - Corporate / Enterprise
    - Food & Agriculture
    - Construction
    - Technology and Telecom
    - Others

We offer turnkey SaaS platforms or bespoke projects from conceptualization, customization to implementation and maintenance in terms of long-term contracts.